Biohazardous waste refers to
infectious one or biomedical one containing infectious material or potentially
infectious substances, like blood. Of special importance are sharp items like
needles, blades, and pipettes that can cause injury while handling. Such items
must be disposed of as per a statutory disposal policy. This holds true even
while handling household medical waste, although them generated at home are
generally not considered to be of serious health concern.
Medical Waste:
Even though most of them
generated at home are not of serious concern, we need to be bothered about
household waste and Biohazardous Waste Disposal because
it is infectious in nature. Such ones are capable of causing disease to house
inmates, if a person comes into contact with the Biohazardous one. For example,
sharps, if contaminated by infectious blood, can cause deadly diseases like
HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis B that can be fatal for the infected person.
Best Way to Handle
Biohazard Waste Disposal at Home:
Household wastes are solid these Biohazard Waste
Disposal must be disposed of in a permitted municipal solid landfill. If you
are unable to do it on your own, a good way to ensure this is by seeking
assistance of one of the recognized medical disposal services. The disposal
services handle Biohazardous one in a safe and scientific manner.
The recommended guidelines for packaging are
placing the waste in an opaque, puncture-resistant, and leak-proof container,
sealing it properly and ensuring that the outside of the container is free from
contamination. However, care should be taken not to mark the package, divulging
the contents.
Medical Waste
Generation & Its Disposal at Hospitals:
Medical or Biohazardous ones
generated at hospitals, however must be first rendered non-infectious by
autoclaving, incineration, or by any other efficient means before disposing of
to a solid waste area. Hospitals and clinics generate a large amount of it that
is potentially unsafe for public health, if not properly handled. Environmental
requirements dictate that the Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal must
be handled, segregated, mutilated, disinfected, properly packed, and
transported before final disposal.
Segregation of
Medical Waste is Necessary:
Proper segregation of wastes
in the place where they are generated is important. It should be done because
different categories of medical waste have different ways of being treated. For
example, hazardous waste chemicals should be treated in the proper and recommended
sewage treatment facility. For sharps like needles and scalpels, they can be
treated before being recycled.
After segregating healthcare
wastes into different categories, they need to be transported to an off-site
treatment facility. For this, the medical facility should have properly trained
staff and an approved biohazard waste transport vehicle. If the medical
facility cannot provide such things, it would be best for them to work with a
good medical waste disposal company who would have both at their disposal. The
biohazard materials are then treated and in some cases forwarded to a sanitary
landfill. By going through the required treatment process, the wastes generated
by medical facilities, their risk to the health of the people and the environment
will be eliminated.
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