Biohazard waste, also known as infectious waste, is waste polluted with possibly infectious agents or other materials that are considered a threat for the environment and human health.
Instances of this waste comprise of but not restricted to polluted cultures, culture flasks, and other petri dishes, infectious agents, viruses, spores, waste from bacteria, sharps such as slides, blades, and hypodermic needles, animal or human blood, and element of bodily fluids, blood or semi-liquid materials.
Now obviously this type of waste should be disposed with tremendous care. You simply can’t throw these things into the dustbin just like you do with other domestic waste. They should be disposed in a proper way through biohazard waste disposal service.
According to the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) needs that drugs that meet the criteria for being a harmful waste should be properly disposed. These RCRA approved biohazardous waste disposal should be done properly.
The companies offering the needle disposal services generally utilize black containers but there is no precise regulatory necessity for the colour. It is great if you choose and stick to a particular colour scheme, as it is simpler for the workers to recognize the ideal waste containers.
Generally, health care amenities generate RCRA hazardous wastes with these three designations. Make sure that the biohazard waste disposal service you are utilizing has the ideal DOT package rating for the type of harmful waste that you’ll be shipping.
These days, most of the medical waste is not incinerated, hence clear labels with the message “Incineration Only” is required. It is quite vital that your staffs realize details of biohazardous waste disposal and what should be disposed in which container. The companies rendering these services specialize in healthcare waste management and therefore can offer you a consultation based on your necessity.